
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stash Report Sunday October 2, 2011 Week 40

Added this week:  1 yard of red fabric with gold accents
Added in September: 20.25 yards (Wow!)
Added this Year:  108.935 yards
Used this week: 8.12 yards (8 yards of black & white to DD#1+ .12 yards for 5 lotto blocks)
Used in September: 15.74 yards 
Used in 2011: 144.275 yards
Stash Reduced/Enhanced: 39.24 yards
Stash used for last 4 months of year:  15.74 yards  
Saint Star with Music
   I plan on returning to the sewing studio in a few minutes. I have cut out 7 Saint Stars that I want to piece today so I can embroidery Monday. The fabric for the KSQG lotto blocks has been found and is ready to be pieced.  Instead of hiding my fabric in the closet or in bins (from DD#1), I am putting it out on shelves and putting all the UFOs, PIGs, and WIPs in the closet (DD#1 hasn't come to the house in over 9 months instead we meet twice a month at BQ). If I can see it, maybe I won't buy more. I can also fondle more big pieces this way instead of  scraps. Maybe this will keep my studio from looking so disorganized.(Reminder to self: Next time in BR go to comic shop and get boards for fabric.)LMAO
1 bin minus fat quarters
   I am also culling things so that I can donate to the QGA auction in December. So far, soup cups & cookie cutters, Christmas redwork w/border, binding, & backing fabric, a grommet purse pattern w/supplies, and a 5 yard quilt kit that I know I won't ever make. Who knows what other treasures I will find to donate!
   This week has been an interesting week. Monday was exercise, cleaning, errand running, and bowling. Tuesday was lunch with DD#1 at BQ, open house for grandchildren, and guild meetings(am & pm). Wednesday was Vet visit at LSU in BR. Thursday, trainer over-slept and I later got sick - unexplained weakness, aching, and tiredness. Friday, I exercised with trainer to try to regain health, but it didn't work so I spent the whole day sleeping on the sofa moaning softly. OH, and homework with DGS Chris & DGD Spirit each and every day ill or not! Saturday, feeling more like myself, I sewed 1 row of sashing to the Twisted Sister baby quilt, cooked meat for spaghetti and chili, did laundry, and sewed on Saints commission. Today, Spirit came over to get her hair fixed and hug up on Pape. I made the chili and we ate watching Saints game accompanied by the 4 dogs - Lee, Lorenzo, & Lilly on our laps and Ama on the floor. DH is in shock - two home cooked meals in a row and football! He is wondering if this illness scrambled my brain. He loves it!
   Lator, Gators! May the fabric you desire find its way into your stash. Keep 2011 STRESS FREE!

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you were tired. Look at all you did. Cooking even. I can't cull yet. I can't get rid of my stuff.

    I can only buy more, that is why I don't do a stash report.......

