
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

8 done

Twisted Spools
Completed task 1 - 8 twisted spools blocks for KS Lotto in February. They were very easy to do but look hard. Just my kind of block. LOL  I hope to win this one b/c I know the perfect person to gift it to.
  Judy L. picked UFO#1 and the one UFO that I must complete in a timely manner is UFO#1-Saint Stars 2. So I think Fate is speaking to me. Tomorrow I start the quilting!
  Called the sewing machine doctor today to check up on my oldie but goodie Ellgante. The man couldn't find it anywhere. I am to call back tomorrow after 9am to talk to the repair tech. I need that machine back before the Sue Nickels class. 
  Just heard that my grandson is out in the field. Please send prayers up for him to return sound and safe. 
  Lator Gators! Keep making Lemonade out of Life's Lemons.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Oh. Couldn't find the machine anywhere, huh? Your stuff looks good, and those twisted spools are interesting. I don't think I have ever seen taht block before.

