No movement! The squirrels are still in charge.
Fabric IN This Week: 0 yards
Fabric IN for June: 0 yards
Fabric IN YTD: 15 1/6 yards
Fabric OUT This Week: 0 yards
Fabric Out for June: 0 yards
Fabric OUT YTD: 6 1/6 yards
Reduction/Enhancement This Week: 0 yard
Reduction/Enhancement June: 0 yard
Reduction/Enhancement YTD: 9 yards
I have been so busy I haven't had time to catch up on my stash report. I know I am down because of all the boxy pouches I have made. Yes, the stash is down, but the scrap pile has exploded! I now have a bunch of approx. 2" x 3" pieces that were the corners of the lining for the boxy pouches. I just couldn't get myself to throw them away. I tossed the outside corner fabric since it had interfacing on them. I also have the leftover bits from cutting the fabric for the boxy pouches.