
Sunday, December 23, 2018

DAY 23: A Post a Day Keeps the Blues Away

   Two days before Christmas and the food has been bought and ready for cooking.
Life is good!
   There was no piecing done today b/c we had a family gathering at DD#1's house. Good food and fun. Lots of presents for the children.
CLUE 1:  116    4 patches                             GOAL 120
CLUE 2:    40    HST                                        GOAL 126
CLUE 3:      5    Half Chevrons                       GOAL   50 
CLUE 4:     27   String pieced                        GOAL   48 
CLUE 5:       0    3 Triangles in a square      GOAL  22 left
                     0     3   Triangles in a square    GOAL 22 right
15 Minute Challenge:  
12/1 - 12/22                    18 of 22 days
    Piecing                        Done
    Prepping/cutting         Done 
December Total              18 of 31 days

  Timewise I have put in more than 500 minutes of prepping, cutting, ironing, and actual sewing. Makes me proud!

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