
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New (to me) Dryer

   I am so excited! Today was a very laid back day for me--emotional stress takes more out of me that physical labor. The last 2 weeks have been so full of drama that I haven't slept well at all trying to make sense out of it all. Came to the conclusion that there is no sense to be found. Monday night did not bode well for sleeping at all since drama lasted until 1am and loud thunderstorm started around 3:30 and I had to be up for 6am. Tuesday was so full that I saw myself coming and going...I made 3 trips to Lewisburg and traveled over 250 miles going nowhere special. Tuesday's activity lasted until 11pm and I zonked out until 8:30 am. 
   First thing that greeted me was a flooded spare bathroom. I cleaned up the water and then sewed a while and started playing Words with Friends with DD#1,2,&3. By 12noon I was tired and nodding, so I went to take a short nap. My nap lasted until almost 6pm. In that time DH had the broken dryer checked and replaced and dried a load of towels. He also fixed the sump pump so that the toilets drained and has been working on fixing the leak in the toilet. It seems some washer on a screw is not holding water. He also went help move a large tree that came down during the weather last night. (I didn't hear it!)
   I woke up to all these surprizes and he came home with food, strawberries, Pibb, and chips. He is so wonderful. I think he was making up for us not going camping this week. I am not telling him that it is ok b/c instead I will be sewing with bf Pam tomorrow and having steak dinner on him. LOL
   Sometimes it is good to sleep like a baby and wake up to a new fantastic adventure. Life with the Stellys' is definitely an adventure!
Lator Gators! May the fabric you need find its way into your stash.

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