
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Stash Report Sunday October 16, 2011 Week 42

Added this week: 4.75 yards 
Added in October: 4.75 yards 
Added this Year:  100.685 yards
Used this week:.
0.125 yards 
Used in October: 0.135 yards 
Used in 2011: 144.31 yards
Stash Reduced/Enhanced: 34.625 yards
Stash used for last 4 months of year:  15.875 yards  

   While seeming to be going backwards, I am actually making progress with exchanging older fabric for newer fabric. This week I was doing just fine working on my swap block using fabric in my stash then on Thursday, I won a Halloween panel and traded for some "eyes" a friend won. I haven't counted the purple that I traded since she hasn't gotten it yet. So that was 1.75 yards added to my stash. Then we went to the GSQA meeting in NO Saturday and I found the perfect green & purple fabric for a project a friend requested. Some pumpkin orange fabric had to be added so a placemat could be made and those totaled 3 more yards.
  I was expecting a big "use" on my chart since on Sunday I was suppose to go to LC in the RV and sew all day while DH bowled. Those plans were canceled due to price of gas and a camping trip next weekend so the bindings won't be finished until Monday. 
  Next year I plan on counting fabric as soon as it is  made into a block and then when the quilt is sent to the quilter, the back will be counted, and finally when it is bound and deemed finished, I will count the binding. 
  Friday, I had the best time with Glenda and friends in BR sewing on the sawtooth cats. It was so much fun! I finished one block and was working on the tail when I noticed that the tail goes in the wrong direction. OOPS! Well, I guess it will go to another cat and is better than paper piecing a piece and then cutting it off twice. 
Well, I am off to cut binding for several quilts.
Lator Gators! May the fabric you desire find its way into your stash undetected. Keep 2011 STRESS FREE!

1 comment:

  1. The first cat I did, my test cat, t made the wrong facing tail.

    I need to keep track of my stash usage. I think I will begin in January....too much going on right now.

    loved seeing you, after Dutch, you two will have to come play

