
Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Finish of 2012

   I finally finished all my embroidery work and could sew. I wasn't quite ready to tackle quilting Saint Stars 2 yet b/c I didn't have the time to just sit and quilt. That project will take lots of concentration.
   I needed a new purse...small enough for use (I dislike large purses) with lots of pockets, but large enough to hold my iPad, since I have taken to bringing it everywhere with me so I can read when I get bored! So I pulled a pattern from my stash and cut it out. 
     Yesterday, I sewed and finished that purse with little bursts of sewing between trips to trainer at 8:30 am; Baton Rouge at 11:30 am; and homework at 4pm. 
     The front and back have my favorite Maxine sayings on them. It is a very bright orange and Maxine says it all. There is a total of 4 extra pockets to hold my stuff.  I LOVE IT! So much so that I am already planning another one for myself and one for my DD#1.
Lator Gators! Keep squeezing life's lemons to make lemonade!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I love it! So you!


    glen: congrats on your first finish!
