
Monday, July 31, 2017

Design Wall Week of 7/30 - 8/5

  This week is all about getting studio done and getting ready for school. Once we move stuff to painted side, I will clean floor (sweep, dust, water mop) then paint lines/sashing. 
   My plan is to paint left side while leaving a walkway to the painted area. This way I can still work in the Studio while the floor cures. Can you tell how anxious I am to get in my studio? 
  The unpainted/walkway area will become part of DD#2's "rug" later. After the left side is dry/cured, I will paint the walkway and prepare the rug area.
  That's the plan! Now what will transpired is anyone's guess. LOL
1) Studio: put up more baseboards. Continue moving stuff from unpainted side to painted side. Set up a sewing area. Clean unpainted floor. Paint sashing strips.
2)School - supplies, clothes, shoes, etc.  Make chair cover for DD#2 and fix strap on her book bag.
  Spirit's supply list is super long and I may not get all of it to start. She will need a super big booksack to carry it all!
  All Chris wants is 4 journals, 2 five-subject notebooks, black ink pens, and pencils. They both need 2 pairs of slacks and 2 new school shirts.
 I need clothes for subbing too.
3)  T-shirt quilt for "Save the Ta-Tas" Raffle - find a fabric for sashing and start sewing sashing on. This requires trip to LQS or JoAnn's in Lafayette.
4)   BH 2016 Leader/Ender project: Continue making red blocks while watching floor cure and deciding where stuff goes!

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