
Sunday, December 30, 2018

DAY 30: A Post a Day Keeps the Blues Away

     This morning the nurse came and took my vitals. All were acceptable numbers! Then she cleaned the cancer area as best she could. Finally, she watched as DD#4 gave me my blood thinner shot. By then I was pooped! 
     Then around noon, the physical therapist came and evaluated me. He was pleased in how well I could move. He warned me not to stay in my chair all the time; not to move to the point of pain or tiredness b/c with my numbers so low recovery would be extremely slow. He will be back Wednesday to continue.
      Next came DD#3, DGD#4, and DGS#10 (my personal shoppers) with 4 dresses and a sweater to extend my wardrobe that fits. SD#2 was here and they got into a deep conversation about discounts and underwear. DD#3, DGD#4, and DGS#10 left. DD#4's other half came in. He was worrying about me getting in and out car/truck and bed. All his solutions were quite involved and expensive. He and SD#2 got in a discussion about cars which was not to be solved. 
     Then DGS#8 and DGS#9 went out to clean rubbish off back roof. While all this was going on, I tried to take a nap.  This house is seldom quiet!
Still Pushing!  Charlene

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are home and doing well. I think about you every minute. I mailed off some get well packages to you today!!!!!

    Let me know when they arrive and if you love them.
